Asterotheca golondrinensis n. sp. from the Lower Permian Golondrina Series of the Bajo de La Leona, Santa Cruz, Argentina


  • Rafael Herbst University National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina



Asterotheca golondrinensis n. sp. is the new name proposed for fertile material of Pecopteris unita Bgt. from the Lower Permian Golondrina Series of Santa Cruz province, Patagonia, Argentina. European specimens known as Pecopteris unita Bgt. bear Ptychocarpus-type of sori and there is some confusion with specimens from other regions of the world. This makes it necessary to separate the Patagonian material bearing typical Asterotheca synangia.


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How to Cite

Herbst, R. (1976). Asterotheca golondrinensis n. sp. from the Lower Permian Golondrina Series of the Bajo de La Leona, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Journal of Palaeosciences, 25(1-3), 126–130.



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