Macrofragmental fossils and their coalified products in the Permian coals of India


  • G.K.B. Navale Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



The Permian coals of India have been formed from variety of macro- and microfragmental remains of fossils. The present paper deals with the types of macrofragmental fossils and their coalified products in the Permian coal formation. Some of the conspicuous macrofragmental fossil components are woody and bark tissues. They appear to have been coalified into vitrain and fusain types by the coalification processes of “vitrinization and fusinization”. A significant fact recognized for the first time from the analytical data of vitrinite and fusinite constituents is the characteristic feature of vitrinite/fusinite (Y/F) ratio in the Permian coals of India, which may not only indicate certain coal properties but also help in dating and correlating the coal seams.


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How to Cite

Navale, G. (1976). Macrofragmental fossils and their coalified products in the Permian coals of India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 25(1-3), 330–339.



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