Reworked Cretaceous spores and pollen grains from the Matanomadh Formation (Palaeocene), Kutch, India
Palaeopalynology, Palaeocene, Matanomadh Formation (India)Abstract
The present paper records the occurrence of reworked Cretaceous spores and pollen grains from the Matanomadh Formation, Kutch, India. The Matanomadh palynofloral assemblage is distinctly Palaeocene in age. Altogether seven genera of reworked spores and pollen grains were encountered in this assemblage. These are: Concavissimisporites (Delcourt & Sprumont) Delcourt, Dettmann & Hughes (1 species), Impardecispora Venkatachala, Kar & Raza (2 species), Klukisporites Couper (3 species), Boseisporites (Dev) Bharadwaj & Kumar (2 species), Contignisporites Dettmann (2 species), Callialasporites (Dev) Bharadwaj & Kumar (4 species) and Schizosporis Cookson & Dettmann (1 species). These palynomorphs commonly occur in the Cretaceous rocks and do not extend into the Palaeocene. The presence of such palynomorphs in the Matanomadh Formation indicates that part of sediments for Matanomadh sedimentation were provided by the Bhuj Formation (early Cretaceous), which is exposed in close proximity to the area under present study.
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