Sporae dispersae of the Barakar sediments from South Karanpura Coalfield, Bihar, India
Sporae dispersae, Palynology, Barakar sediments, South Karanpura Coalfield (India)Abstract
Results of a palynological study of some carbonaceous sediments from South Karanpura Coalfield, Bihar based upon 27 samples from l4 coalseams representing most of the coal deposits in this coalfield are presented. The Sporae dispersae have been referred to 52 miospore genera and 123 species. Four spore species, viz., Potonieitriradites angustus, Striatites naditoliensis, Lahirites karanpuraensis and Platysaccus plicatus have been described as new taxa, new names have been given to five species, and 37 new combinations have been proposed. The account includes comprehensive information regarding geological and geographical distribution of each genus treated in the text alongwith a list of its species.
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