Sporae dispersae of some Lower and Middle Triassic sediments from Damodar basin, India
Palynology, Sporae dispersae, Damodar Valley, Lower and Middle Triassic (India)Abstract
There has been a gradual but definite change in the miofloral pattern from Permian through Triassic sediments in India, which is deduced after a careful circumscription as well as differentiation of organizations in sporae dispersae. The present study concerns the morphotaxonomy of dispersed pollen and spores in some Lower and Middle Triassic depositions in Damodar Valley. Forty-three genera and 76 species have been identified, out of which 4 genera and 17 species were found to be new. Among the newly proposed form genera, Ringosporites is a trilete spore having an equatorial crassitude and a polar or circumpolar distal thickening; Novitasporites has a trilete mark with bi- to multifurcate ray-ends and a perisporial covering; Densostriapollis accommodates non-saccate striated grains with an intexinal layer; Goubinispora is a girdling monosaccate pollen with striations on one face and partly separated exoexinal islands and strips on the other, and variously lobed monosaccus. Taxonomic position of some species have also been discussed. The qualitative significance of certain species forming diagnostic association has been pointed out.
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