Stratigraphy of the area around Matanomadh in North Western Kachchh with special reference to the Matanomadh formation


  • R.K. Saxena Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



Lithostratigraphy, Biostratigraphic Zonation, Matanomadh Formation, Palaeocene, Kachchh (India)


Four stratigraphic sections were measured in order to cover as much outcrop area as possible and to know the lateral persistence of various lithic units, their thickness and exact order of superposition in the area around Matanomadh, north-western Kachchh. The stratal units mapped in the area are Bhuj, Deccan Trap, Matanomadh and post-Matanomadh formations.

Frequency analysis and the variation pattern observed in the spore-pollen assemblage provide ample evidence for biostratigraphic zonation of the Matanomadh Formation. On the basis of the first appearance, maximum development and decline of the various palynomorphs four biozones have been recognized within this formation. These are (in ascending order): (i) Barren Zone, (ii) Dandotiaspora dilata Cenozone, (iii) Couperipollis brevispinosus Cenozone, and (iv) Sponge Zone.


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How to Cite

Saxena, R. (1978). Stratigraphy of the area around Matanomadh in North Western Kachchh with special reference to the Matanomadh formation. Journal of Palaeosciences, 27(1-3), 300–313.



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