Palynology of middle siwalik sediments (late miocene) from Bagh Rao, Uttar Pradesh
Palynology, Fresh water elements, Montane elements, Middle Siwalik, Late Miocene (India)Abstract
A Late Miocene palynofloral assemblage, recovered from the Siwalik sediments exposed at Bagh Rao in Uttar Pradesh has been studied. It contains a variety of spores, pollen grains and algal and fungal remains. Based on palynofloral analysis two distinct palynological zones A and B are established. The presence of Botryococcus. Pediastrum, Zvgnema, Azolla and Nymphea indicates fresh water environment during the deposition of Zone A sediments. Zone B lacks the presence of aquatic elements. However, it shows the abundance of montane elements, viz., Pinus, Podocarpus and Tsuga in addition to the pollen of Poaceae, Asteraceae and Acacia. The sediments of Zone B appear to have been deposited in much drier conditions than that of Zone A. The overall palaeobotanical evidences point out the prevalence of low land rainforests under warm humid climate in the area of investigation.