Leaf-impressions from the Eocene of Kachchh, Western India
Leaf-impressions, Lagerstroemia, Dicotylophyllum, Terminalia, Syzygium, Cinnamomum, Ficus, Eocene, Kachchh (India)Abstract
An assemblage of leaf impressions is described here from the Tertiary beds of Kachchh. It consists of 8 species out of which 5 have been identified with 5 modern genera and the remaining three which could not be assigned to any modern genus but are dicotyledonous, have been placed under the form genus Dicotylophyllum Saporta. The five species which are comparable with modern genera are Terminalia panandhroensis sp. nov., Syzygium kachchhense sp. nov., Lagerstroemia patelii sp. nov., Cinnamomum eokachchhensis sp. novo and Ficus kachchhensis sp. novo The three Dicotylophyllum species are: Dicotylophyllum cordatum sp. nov., D. panandhroensis sp. novo and D. quadrinervatum sp. nov. The collective evidence of the above taxa suggests that moist evergreen to deciduous tropical vegetation was growing around the site of this fossil assemblage during the Lower Eocene period.
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