Paleobotanical evidences on the age of the coal-bearing lower Gondwana formation in the Jayanti coalfield, Bihar


  • K.M. Lele Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India
  • Rehana Makada Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



The coal-bearing Lower Gondwana beds overlying the Talchir Formation in the Jayanti Coalfield are investigated for their mega- and microfloras. The megaflora, comprising 7 genera and 18 species (2 new), is characterized by Noeggerathiopsis, Gangamopteris, Glossopteris and platyspermic seeds and by the peculiar presence of Gondwanidium. The mioflora (33 genera and 57 species) is characterized by the dominance of trilete taxa Punctatisporites and Callumispora together with the monosaccates Plicatipollenites, Virkkipollenites, Potonieisporites and Vestigisporites. Other quantitatively significant genera are Parasaccites, Caheniasaccites, Vesicaspora, Cuneatisporites, Striatites, Lunatisporites, Faunipollenites and Gnetaceaepollenites.

The mega and miofloral composition of the assemblages is analysed qualitatively and quantitatively to assess their relative ages. The evidence, especially of the megaflora, leaves no doubt that the coal-bearing succession of the Jayanti basin belongs to the Karharbari Formation and is likely to be of the Lower Karharbari age. Palynostratigraphic aspects of the better-known Karharbari miofloras are compared and discussed in light of the present palaeobotanical evidence.


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How to Cite

Lele, K., & Makada, R. (1972). Paleobotanical evidences on the age of the coal-bearing lower Gondwana formation in the Jayanti coalfield, Bihar. Journal of Palaeosciences, 21((1-3), 81–106.



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