Palynology of the tertiary sediments of Palana, Rajasthan
The Palana palynological assemblage described here consists of 8 genera and 11 species of pteridophytic spores, 24 genera and 36 species of angiospermic pollen grains, 9 genera and 16 species of algal and 3 genera and 4 species of fungal remains. Of the total of 44 genera and 67 species recorded, 10 genera and 31 species are new.
Quantitative analysis of the assemblage shows that angiospermous element dominate the assemblage (70%), followed by pteridophytes (20%). Prominent monocot families are Potamogetonaceae, Palmae and Liliaceae. Dicots are comparatively better represented, the principal families include Nymphaeaceae, Leguminosae, Cruciferae, Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Hippocrateaceae, Guttiferae, Meliaceae, Proteaceae and Onagraceae. Pteridophytic spores are mainly represented by Osmundaceae, Matoniaceae, Polypodiaceae, Schizaeaceae and Cheilanthaceae. The algal genus Botryococcus along with microplanktons are found in abundance in some stratigraphic levels.
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