Marine influence in Hutar Coalfield, Bihar
Foraminifera, Marine conditions, Talchir Formation, Karharbari Formation, Hutar CoalfieldAbstract
Circumstantial evidences based on the proximity of the upper part of talchir and lower part of Karharbari formations in Hutar Coalfield with those of Daltonganj Coalfield having reported evidence of marine bed, as well as evidences of wave activity and salanitiy, raise the possibility of some marine influence in Hutar too. A few evaporates in this coalfield indicate dessication though temperature does not seem to have attained a high level. The presence of formainiferal genera Tolypammina, Saccammina, Bigenerina and Ammobaculites in addition to Frondicularia c.f. cavernula (Paalzow) in this background strongly argues for a marine influence in the basal part of Karharbari and adjacent Talchir areas. The significance of this has been discussed.