Megaspore biostratigraphy of the Gondwana
Megaspores, Biostratigraphy, Morphotaxonomy, Gondwana (India)Abstract
Dispersed megaspores are known from almost all the Gondwana horizons though they are comparatively rare. Approximately, 36 genera and 110 species are known from the Gondwana sediments. The number of genera and species is almost equally divided between Permian and Mesozoic Gondwana. Most of the formations except Talchir, Barren Measures and Upper Tiki have marker megaspore taxa at generic level. The above-mentioned three formations have marker taxa only at the species level. At the present stage of our knowledge megaspores are found useful only for broader zonation. As far as age determination is concerned, the megaspores, as compared to other palynofossils, indicate younger ages.