Extra-peninsular Gondwana basins - stratigraphy and evolution
Stratigraphy, Palaeogeography, Peninsular Gondwana (India)Abstract
The stratigraphy and evolution of the plant-bearing horizions of the extra-peninsular region are reviewed and their similarities and differences with typical peninsular Gondwana are discussed to assess the problem of concepts, limits and extension of Gondwana in this region. It is inferred that the Lesser Himalayan sequence represents continuation of the peninsular Gondwana Sequence, while that of Tethyan Himalayan region departs from typical mainland Gondwana in sedimentation, flora and geological set up. Thus the use of the informal stratigraphic term Gondwana Sequence for this belt is not justificable. However, the use of the term in palaeogeographic sense, which is widely used appears to be appropriate; for which the term ‘Peri-Gondwana’ has already been suggested. The evolution of floral beds may be related to the major tectonic events, the imprints of which are well documented in the Tethyan belt.