Charophyta from the deccan intertrappean beds near Rangapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Charophyta, Platychara, Nemegtichara, Deccan Intertrappean beds, Tertiary (India)Abstract
Two charophytes-Platychara perlala (Peck & Reker) Grambast and Nemegtichara grambosti sp. nov- are described and illustrated from the Deccan Intertrappean beds near Rangapur, district Rangareddi, Andhra Pradesh. The genus Nemegtichara Karczewska & Ziembinska-Tworzydlo, first described from the Palaeogene "White Beds" of the Nemegt Basin in Mongolia and also known from the Cretaceous- Middle Eocene of China is being recorded for the first time from India. The age and palaeobiogeographic implications of the assemblage are also discussed.
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