Reinterpretation of an extinct taxon Sporangioceros nipanica Sharma et al. from the Rajmahal Hills, India
Mesozoic, Coenocytic, Discrete protoplasts, Green algaAbstract
Morphology of an elongated, cylindrical, oval, or ovate, coenocytic plant fossil resembling sporogonium of Notothylas is reinterpreted and correlated now with an extant fresh water green alga Characiosiphon Iyengar. In extinct material the wall layer is present but non-cellular and is covered over by a thick mucilaginous sheath. The protoplast is divided into discrete units each with a chloroplast and the nucleus. Zoospores? And zoogametes? liberated through an apical pore. A planospores are also identified. A new name Characiosiphonites nipanica has been suggested for Sporangioceros nipanica and a reconstruction of the fossil plant is attempted.