An improved reconstruction of summer temperature at Srinagar, Kashmir since AD 1660, based on tree-ring width and maximum latewood density of Abies pindrow [Royle] Spach
Latewood, Tree ring, Reconstruction, Summer, Abies pindrowAbstract
Regional chronologies based on conifer ring width and density variables were developed for the region surrounding the Vale of Kashmir. The effects of age/size trend on the raw data were removed by a more conservative technique than in previous work in this region, in the hope of retaining multidecadal climate variability. A reconstruction of split summer temperature (April through September, excluding July) at Srinagar captured 58% of the variance of the instrumental record (56% in validation). Decadal to multidecadal variability was distributed throughout the reconstructed period, but interannual variability was greater in the first century of the reconstruction than later. In particular, there was a higher concentration of the coolest summers before 1770 than after.