Palynological investigations, facies analysis and palaeoenvironmental interpretations from Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene lignites and associated sediments of Barmer, western India
Lignite, Western India, Palynology, Palaeoenvironment, Thanetian-Ypresian, Coastal elementsAbstract
A lignite bearing sequence located in an open-cast mine near Banner, Rajasthan, western India, identified as Akli Formation is investigated for palynological and palynofacies studies. The palynoflora from about 13.5 mthick succession mainly comprised of clay, shale and lignite, composed of spore/pollen, dinoflagellate cysts and fungal remains, is dominated by angiospermic pollen particularly those showing affinity with the family Arecaceae. The succession, palynologically divisible into three zones, is dated as Thanetian to Ypresian in age. Studies on the dispersed organic matter isolated from macerated residues indicate prevalence of anoxic conditions during deposition of lower part of the sequence which progressively changed into moderately oxic depositional conditions.
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