A brief conspectus of American Coal ball studies
ANDREWS, H. N. (1945). Contributions to our knowledge of American Carboniferous Floras.VII. Some Pteridosperm Stems from Iowa. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 32: 323-360.
ANDREWS, H. N. & JUNES A. KERNEN (1946). Contributions, etc. VIII. Another Medullosa from Iowa. Ibid. 33: 141-146.
ANDREWS, H. N. & ELOISE PANNELL (1942). Contributions, etc. II. Lepidocarpon. Ibid. 29: 1-34.
ARNOLD, CHESTER A. (1940). Lepidodendron Johnsonii, sp. nov., from the Lower Pennsylvanian of Central Colorado. Univ. Michigan Contrib. Mus. Paleont. 6: 21-52.
BAXTER, R.W. (1948). A Study of the Vegetative Anatomy of the Genus Sphenophyllum from American Coal Balls. Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 35:209-231.
Idem (1949). Some Pteridosperm Stems and Fructifications with Particular References to the Medullosae. Ibid. 36: 287-352.
DARRAH, WILLIAM C. (1940). The Fossil Flora of Iowa coal Balls. III. Cordaianthus. Harvard Univ. Bot. Mus. Leaf. 8: 1-20.
Idem (1941). The Coenopterid Ferns in American Coal Balls. Am. Mid. Nat. 25: 233-269.
GRAHAM,R. (1934). Pennsylvanian Flora of Illinois as Revealed in Coal Balls. I. Bot. Gaz. 95: 453-476.
HOSKINS, J.H. & Cross, A.T. (1943). Monograph of the Paleozoic Cone Genus Bowmanites, (Sphenophyllales). Am. Mid. Nat. 30: 113-163.
LEVITTAN,E. D.&BARGHOORN,E.S (1948). Sphenostrobus Thompsonii: a New Genus of Sphenophyllales. Am. Jour. Bot. 35: 350-357.
MAMAY, SERGIUS H. &ANDREWS, H.N. (1950). A Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Anatomy of Botryopteris. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 77: 462-494.
SAHNI, B. (1932). On the Structure of Zygopteris primaria (Cotta) and on the Relations between the Genera Zygopteris, Etapteris, and Botrychioxylon. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London. B 222: 29-45.
SCHOPF, J.M. (1939). Medullosa distelica, a New Species of the Anglica Group of Medullosa. Am. Jour. Bot. 26: 196-207.
Idem (1941). Contributions to Pennsylvanian Paleobotany, Mazocarpon oedipternum, sp. nov. and Sigillarian Relationships. Illinois State Geol. Survey, Report of Invest. No. 75: 1-40.
Idem (1948). Pteridosperm Male Fructifications: American Species of Dolerotheca, with Notes Regarding Certain Allied Forms. Jour, Paleont. 22: 681-724.
STEIDTMANN, W.E. (1944). The Anatomy and Affinities of Medullosa Noei Steidtmann, and associated Foliage, Roots and seeds. Univ. Michigan Contrib. Mus. Paleont. 6: 131-166.
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