Further observations on Morelletpora nammalensis varma from the Khairabad limestone (Ranikot) beds of the Nammal Gorge, Punjab Salt Range
Recently the author (1950) reported the occurrence of a new genus of calcareous alga Morlletpora (Dasycladaceae) from the Ranikot beds (Paleocene) of the Punjab Salt Range. A diagnosis of the genus and a very brief description of M. nammalensis was given. The Ranikot alga has been studied further and the genus and its only known species have been redefined. M. nammalensis has been described and compared in detail. The alga has been classified under a new tribe Morelletporeae and sub-tribe Morelletporinae created by the author. Gyroporella Gumb and Uragiella Pia have been suggested to be classified under Gyroporellinae, another sub-tribe of Morelletporeae.
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