The spore genera from the Upper Carboniferous coal of the Saar and their value in stratigraphical studies
Five new spore genera, viz. Cyclobaculisporites gen. nov., Foveolatisporites gen. nov., Savitrisporites gen. nov., Zerndtisporites gen. novo and Kosankeisporites gen. nov., from the coal measures of the Saar, have been described. Detailed descriptions of 6 other, recently proposed spore genera (BHARDWAJ, 1954), viz. Gravisporites Bhardwaj, Angulisporites Bhardwaj, Striatosporites Bhardwaj, Guthorlisporites Bhardwaj, Potonieisporites Bhardwaj and Sahnisporites Bhardwaj, have also been included.
Stratigraphic subdivisions of the Upper Carboniferous succession in the Saar have been suggested on the basis of variation in the microfloral assemblages of the successive periods. The vertical distribution of Sporae dispersae as well as that of the megaflora has been compared and shown to be similar. The Westphalian D in the Saar has been found to comprise of the combined zones of Palaeoweichselia defrancei and Neuropteris ovata. The Stephanian in the Saar consists of two subdivisions, viz. Lower Stephanian lacking Westphalian influence and the Upper Stephanian with pronounced Westphalian character.
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