Palynology of Cenozoic successions of Kerala Basin: a review from the perspective of biostratigraphy and palaeoclimatic studies
Cenozoic, Biostratigraphy, Palaeoclimate, Palynology, Kerala BasinAbstract
The Kerala Basin is only onshore opportunity to study Cenozoic palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment of southwest India encompassing Neogene global events such as Mid Miocene Climate Optimum (MMCO) and even older times of Palaeogene. The global warming during ~17–15 Ma (MMCO), enhanced annual surface temperature 3–4° C higher than the present, is equivalent to the warming predicted for the next century. Since the palaeogeographical and other general conditions have not been much changed from the Miocene Period, Neogene palaeoclimate of Kerala Basin can be considered as a possible analogue for future climate. Many workers have studied the Cenozoic sedimentary successions of surface and subsurface for stratigraphic classification of the rocks, but still, discrepancy persists in the chronostratigraphic relationship in sedimentary successions. The palynological investigations have also been limited mainly to palynofloral and palaeoecological inferences except a few in which palynostratigraphy, correlation and age have been attempted on the basis of spore–pollen only. Major three Cenozones namely, Triangulorites bellus and Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni (Eocene–Oligocene) and Malvacearumpollis bakonyensis (Miocene) have been established. The palynological studies done in the region broadly suggest warm and humid climate with heavy rainfall. However, the recent quantitative studies have highlighted the complexity of palaeoclimatic evolution in the tropics in terms of monsoon. A time–constrained quantitative palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate reconstructions on the basis of palynology is required for evaluation of response and changes in the tropical flora of northwestern India across the major climate events. For that, the biostratigraphy of finer resolution based on systematic and integrated multi–biotic proxy is needed to establish an age model for these sedimentary successions.
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