On a new Petrified Palm Wood from Mohgaon Kalan Area


  • V.K. Menon Department of Botany, University of Lucknow




A petrified Falm stem M 115 with roots attached to has been described in detail. A comparison is made with Palmoxylon sclerodermum Sahni, P. surangei Lakhanpal and P. kraeuselii Rao & Menon, all with attached roots. The stern and root structure vary in all these and M 115 cannot be definitely referred to any of these species. The structure and organization of the fibrovascular bundles and ground tissue in M 115 however, is very similar to those of a petrified palm petiole, Palmacaulon raoi Menon, also from Mohgaon Kalan area. Because of its close resemblance with Palmocaulon raoi, M 115 is designated Palmoxylon raoi. It is not unlikely that the two represent the petiole and the stern of the same species of a fossil palm.


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How to Cite

Menon, V. (1967). On a new Petrified Palm Wood from Mohgaon Kalan Area. Journal of Palaeosciences, 16((1-3), 197–205. https://doi.org/10.54991/jop.1967.520



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