Palynological Investigations of some Coal Seams in the IB-River Coalfield (Orissa), India


  • R.S. Tiwari Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



A palynological analysis of some coals from Ib river (Rampur-Hingir) Coalfield, Orissa, has been done. The samples investigated were collected from four different collieries (pits), representing the locally called Hingir-Rampur seam (Pit Nos. 5 and 11, Orient incline) and fb-seam incline near Brijraj Nagar. These coals have been found to be quite rich in the microspore and pollen grain contents. The Sporae dispersae has been assigned to 34 genera and 51 species out of which 2 genera and 15 species have been described as new. A qualitative analysis based on distribution of species has shown that there are two distinct assemblages represented in the seams under study.


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How to Cite

Tiwari, R. (1967). Palynological Investigations of some Coal Seams in the IB-River Coalfield (Orissa), India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 16((1-3), 222–242.



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