Studies in the Glossopteris Flora of India - 36. Plant Fossils from Barren Measures Succession of Jharia Coalfield, Bihar, India


  • R.K. Kar Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



Plant fossils belonging to the Barren Measures Succession of Jharia Coalfield have been described. These are Cyclodendron leslii, Equisetaceous stems, Sphenopteris hughesii, Glossopteris communis, G. indica, G. decipiens, G. browniana and G. ampla. The present assemblage has also been compared with the other known ones from Barren Measures Succession.


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How to Cite

Kar, R. (1967). Studies in the Glossopteris Flora of India - 36. Plant Fossils from Barren Measures Succession of Jharia Coalfield, Bihar, India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 16((1-3), 243–248.



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