Lower Mesozoic Megaspores from the Variegated Stage of Salt Range (W. Pakistan)


  • S.C.D. Sah Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow 226007, India
  • K.P. Jain Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53 University Road, Lucknow 226007, India




A megaspore assemblage, recovered from the Variegated Stage of Nammal Gorge, Salt Range (W. Pakistan), has been described. The assemblage is characterized by the presence of Banksisporites sinuosus Dettmann, Nathorstisporites hoplificus Jung, N. reticulatus Dettmann, N. nammalensis sp. nov., Nathorstisporites peltasticus Jung, Minerisporites sp. and Hughesisporites novus sp. nov. The Salt Range megaspore flora shows closest affinity with the Rhaetic-Liassic megaspores from South Australia and Tasmania. The Jurassic profile in the Nammal Gorge Section of the Variegated Stage are considered by some geologists to range from Middle to Upper Jurassic while others think they may range from Lower to Middle Jurassic. However, the evidence of the megaspore assemblage described here tends to support a Lower Jurassic (Liassic) age for the two lowermost beds of the Variegated Stage of the Nammal Gorge Section.


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How to Cite

Sah, S., & Jain, K. (1967). Lower Mesozoic Megaspores from the Variegated Stage of Salt Range (W. Pakistan). Journal of Palaeosciences, 16((1-3), 288–291. https://doi.org/10.54991/jop.1967.530



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