A palm trunk from the Lower Miocene coal basin of Salgotarjan


  • Pal Greguss Szeged, Hungary




The tree-trunk examined originates from North Hungary, from the coal basin of Salgotarjan. Its age is Lower Miocene. The presence of scattered vascular bundles in the 10 cm. long and 8 cm. wide trunk piece shows that it is of palm origin. The minute anatomical structure also confirms that the petrifaction in question is a palm-stem. Another fossil palm has been reported from Hungary from the Lower Miocene, which resembles rather the recent Sabal. The above-mentioned petrifaction is essentially different from this and, therefore, it has been described under a new name: Palmoxylon hungaricum Greg.


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How to Cite

Greguss, P. (1959). A palm trunk from the Lower Miocene coal basin of Salgotarjan. Journal of Palaeosciences, 8((1-2), 19–21. https://doi.org/10.54991/jop.1959.584



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