Castanoxylon gen. nov. from Tertiary beds of the Cuddalore series near Pondicherry, India


  • G.K.B. Navale Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



The paper deals with the anatomical studies of the two new fossil dicotyledonous woods resembling the modern woods of Castanopsis. But the woods of Castanea, some species of Lithocarpus and Quercus also show similar combination of anatomical characters like the woods of Castanopsis. Therefore, a new genus Castanoxylon has been created to accommodate the present fossil and for fossils showing similar anatomical characters like the woods of Castanopsis, Castanea, some species of Lithocarpus and Quercus.


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How to Cite

Navale, G. (1962). Castanoxylon gen. nov. from Tertiary beds of the Cuddalore series near Pondicherry, India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 11((1-3), 131–137.



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