The Tertiary flora of India and probable disposition of continents


  • K.A. Chowdhury Aligarh Muslim University, India
  • K.A. Chowdhury Aligarh Muslim University, India



Rock magnetism of the Deccan Traps of India  consistently indicates the position of this land, during the early Eocene period, at about 30° south of the equator There is also evidence to show that the movement from that to the present position  has been  gradual An analysis of the Tertiary fossil woods of India, so far recorded, shows a general agreement with both these conclusions arrived at through palaeomagnetic investigation, and thus supports strongly continental drift in preference to polar wandering. Much more additional data are, however, necessary on palaeomagnetism and fossil plants before continental drift is accepted as an established theory.


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How to Cite

Chowdhury, K., & Chowdhury, K. (1965). The Tertiary flora of India and probable disposition of continents. Journal of Palaeosciences, 14((1-3), 172–184.



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