The distribution of Densospores
Densospores include species of the miospore genera Cingulizonates (Dybova & Jachowicz), Cristatisporites (Potonie & Kremp), Densosporites (Berry) and Radiizonates Staplin & Jansonius from the literature of Europe and North America, and Euryzonotriletes Naumova, Hymenozonotriletes Naumova and Trematozonotriletes Naumova from the Russian literature. An account is given of the taxonomic position of densospores and of their morphographic variation in different parts of the column.
Densospores have been recorded in large numbers, mainly from coal seams, from the Devonian to the Permian of the northern hemisphere. The geographical distribution of these occurrences forms the subject matter of the present paper. In general, densospores first occur in abundance in more northerly regions and are displaced gradually southwards during the Carboniferous. They are most common and have the longest ranges, in area of slow subsidence.
Agrali, Bulent 1964.Valeur stratigraphique des genres Densisporites et Lycosisporites et leur utilization pour l’etablisement de subdivisions palynologique dans le Houiller d’Amasra. Soc. Geol. du Nord, Lille. 84: 9-17.
Alpern B 1959. Contribution a l’etude palynologique et petrographiques des Charbons francaises. Doctorate thesis, University of Paris, 1959: 1-314.
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Idem 1963a. Coupe palynologique du houiller de Saint-Etienne. C. R. Acad. Sci. Fr. 156: 4057-4059.
Idem 1963b. Coupe palynologique du Westphalien du basin houiller de Lorraine. Ibid. 256: 5170-5172.
Artuz S 1957. Die Spore dispersae der Turkischen Steinhohle von Zonguldak-Gebiet. Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. Istanbul, Ser. B, 22, (4): 239-263.
Idem 1963. Amasra-Tarlaagzi Komur Bolgesindeki Kalin ve Aradamarlarin (Westphalien C) Mikrosporolojik Etudu ve Korelasyon Denemesi. Monogr. Fac. Sci. Univ. Istanbul, 19: 1-70.
Berry W 1937. Spores from the Pennington coal, Rhea County, Tennessee. Amer. Midl. Nat., 18: 155-160.
Bharadwaj DC 1955. The spore genera from the Upper Carboniferous coals of the Saar and their value in stratigraphical studies. The Palaeobotanist 4: 119-149.
Idem 1957a. The palynological investigations of the Saar coals. Pt. I-Morphography of Sporae dispersae. Palaeontographica, 101B: 73-125.
Idem 1957b. The spore flora of Velener Schichten (Lower Westphalian D) in the Ruhr Coal Measures. Ibid, 102B: 110-138.
Idem 1958. On Porostrobus zeilleri Nathorst and its spores with remarks on the systematic position of P. bennholdi Bode and the phylogeny of Densosporites Berry. The Palaeobotanist 7: 67-75.
Bharadwaj DC & Kremp, Gerhard 1955. Die Sporenfuhrung der Velener Schichten des Ruhrkarbons. Geol. Jb. 71: 51-68.
Bharadwaj DC & Venkatachala BS 1957. Microfloristic evidence on the boundary between the Carboniferous and Permian systems in Pfalz (W. Germany). The Palaeobotanist 6: 1-11.
Idem 1961. Spore assemblage out of a Lower Carboniferous Shale from Spitzbeigen. The Palaeobotanist 10: 18-47.
Butterworth MA 1964. Die Verteilung der Densosporites sphaerotriangularis im Westfal B der westpenninischen Steinkohlenfelder Englands. Fortschr Geol. Rheinld. u. Westf. 12: 317-330.
Butterworth MA & Williams RW 1958. The small spore floras of coals in the Limestone Coal Group and Upper Limestone Group of the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland. Trans. Roy Soc. Edinb., 63, 353-392.
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Idem 1964b. Miospore distribution in the Namurian and Westphalian. Report of C.I.M.P. working group no. 13C, Ibid, 3: 1115-1118.
Chaloner WG 1958. A Carboniferous Selaginellites with Densosporites microspores. Palaeontology, 1: 245-253.
Idem 1962. A Sporangiostrobus with Densosporites microspores. Ibid. 5: 73-85.
Cropp FW 1960. Pennsylvanian spore floras from the Warrior Basin, Mississippi and Alabama. J. Paleont., 34: 359-367.
Idem 1963. Pennsylvanian spore succession in Tennessee. Ibid. 37: 900-916.
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Hacquebard PA, Barss MS & Donaldson JR 1960. Distribution and stratigraphic significance of small spore genera in the Upper Carboniferous of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. C.R. IV. Congr. Int. Strat. Carb., Heerlen, 1: 237-245.
Hacquebard PA & Donaldson JR 1964. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures in the Cumberland Basin of Nova Scotia, Canada. C.P. V. Congr. Int. Strat. Geol. Carb., Paris, 3: 1157-1169.
Hoffmeister WS, Staplin FL & Malloy RE 1955a. Geologic range of Paleozoic plant spores in North America. Micropaleontology, 1: 9-27.
Hoffmeister WS, Staplin FL & Malloy RE 1955b. Mississippian plant spores from the Hardinsburg Formation of Illinois and Kentucky. J. Paleont., 29: 372-399.
Horst U 1955. Die Sporae dispersae des Namurs von Westoberschlesien und Mahrisch-Ostrau. Palaeontographica, 98B: 137-236.
Hughes NF, Dettmann ME & Playford G 1962. Sections of some Carboniferous dispersed spores. Palaeontology, 5: 247-252.
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Schemel MP 1950. Carboniferous plant spores from Daggett County, Utah. J. Paleont. 24: 232-244.
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Smith AMV 1957. The sequence of microspore assemblages associated with he occurrence of crassidurite in coal seams in Yorkshire. Geol. Mag., 94: 345-363.
Idem 1960. Structure of the spore wall in certain miospores belonging to the Series Cingulati Pot. and Klaus. Palaeontology, 3: 82-85.
Idem 1962. The palaeoecology of Carboniferous peats based on the miospores and petrography of bituminous coals. Proc. Yorks. Geol. (polyt) Soc., 33: 423-474.
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Sullivan HJ 1964a. Miospores from the Lower Limestone Shales (Tournaisian) of the Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire. C.R.V. Congr. Int. Strat. Geol. Carb., Paris. 3: 1249-1259.
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Wagner RH 1962. A brief review of the stratigraphy and floral succession of the Carboniferous in N. W. Spain. C.R. Congr. Int. Strat. Carb., Heerlen, 3: 753-762.
Wilson LR & Hoffmeister WS 1956. Plant microfossils of the Croweburg Coal. Okla. Geol. Surv. Circ. 32: 1-57.
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