The Pluvial theory - An evolution in the light of new evidence, especially for Africa


  • E.M. van Zinderen Bakker University of the O.F.S., Bloemfontein, South Africa



The recent evidence for former dry and more humid conditions in Africa has been discussed. These data are primarily of a biological nature. The explanation of the palaeoclimates of Africa should be based on the principle of "climatic actuality" as it will be impossible to explain the former climates without knowing those of the present day. The variations in temperature which have occurred simultaneously with the glacial history, should be taken into account in this respect.

Good, well-dated, proof has been found for hypothermal pluvials in some parts of Saharan and equatorial Africa. Convincing evidence has also been published for the existence of subpluvials of Neolithic (Atlantic) age in the Sahara. Dry interpluvial conditions of Wurmian age have been described for the Stanley-pool area and for Ethiopia.

In Africa there is a great need for many more C14 dates of material which is of ecological interest. More radiocarbon stations should be available for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Bakker, E. van Z. (1966). The Pluvial theory - An evolution in the light of new evidence, especially for Africa. Journal of Palaeosciences, 15((1-3), 128–134.



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