A fossil wood of Sonneratia from the Tertiary of South India


  • N. Awasthi Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India




A fossil dicotyledonous wood from the Cuddalore Series (Middle Tertiary) of South India is described. Anatomically, it is very similar to the modern wood of Sonneratia Lin. especially with S. apetala Ham. and has been named as Sonneratioxylon preapetala sp. nov.


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How to Cite

Awasthi, N. (1968). A fossil wood of Sonneratia from the Tertiary of South India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 17((1-3), 254–257. https://doi.org/10.54991/jop.1968.800



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