Approach to the classification of Mesozoic "Ginkgoalean" plants from Siberia


  • V.A. Krassilov Far Eastern Institute of Geology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok



New findings from the Mesozoic of Bureja basin confirm Harris' interpretation of Leptostrobus. Its capsule is analogous to the ovary of Angiospermae. the contact surface of valves is verrucose and papillate and corresponds to the stigma. The leaves of Czekanowskia. Phoenicopsis and allied genera are assigned to the plants with Leptostrobus type of fructification and must be excluded from the Ginkgoales. Three types of female fructifications: megastrobili of Ginkgo, Karkenia and Umaltolepis (a new organ-genus referred to Pseudotorellia) are distinguished within the Ginkgoales, each of them representing a distinct family.


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How to Cite

Krassilov, V. (1969). Approach to the classification of Mesozoic "Ginkgoalean" plants from Siberia. Journal of Palaeosciences, 18(1-3), 12–19.



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