Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India - 40. Sphnopteris polymorpha Feistm. (1881) emend. from the barakar stage of South Karanpura coalfield, Bihar, India
A large number of impressions of Sphenopteris fronds are described from the Barakar Stage of South Karanpura Coalfield. Their study reveals that Sphenopteris polymorpha Feistm. (1881) and S. hughesi Arber (1905) are one and the same species. S. polymorpha Feistm. is emended and retained on the basis of nomenclatural priority.
Arber EAN 1905. Catalogue of the fossil plants of the Glossopteris flora in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History).
Bunbury CJF 1861. Notes on a collection of fossil plants from Nagpur, Central India. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 17: 325-346.
Feistmantel O 1877a. Notes on fossil flora in India. Rec. geol. Surv. India. 10: 68.
Feistmantel O 1880. The fossil flora of the Gondwana system. II. The flora of the Damuda and panchet Division. Palaeont. indica. 3 (2): 1-77.
Feistmantel O 1881. The fossil flora of the Gondwana system. The flora of the Damuda-Panchet Division. Ibid. Ser. 12, 3 (2):
Feistmantel O1886. The fossil flora of the Gondwana system. IV. The fossil flora of some of the coalfields in Western Bengal. Ibid. 4 (2): 1-65.
M’Clelland J 1850. Report of the Geological Survey of India for the season 1848-49. M’Clelland.
Morris J 1845. In count strzelecki’s “Physical description of New South Wales and van Diemer’s Land” etc. London.
Surange KR 1966. Indian fossil Pteridophytes. Bot. Monograph No. 4, C.S.I.R.
Zeiller R 1902. Observation sur quelques plantes fossiles des Lower Gondwanas. Palaeont. indica. 2: 1-40.
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