On fossil flora of Ganjra nalla beds: Part II - Microflora (A) dispersed spores and pollen grains


  • Shivdayal Saksena Vigyan Kutir, Civil Lines, Rewa (M.P.). India




Carbonaceous, micaceous shales from Ganjra nalla beds (Permo-Carboniferous) of South Rewa Gondwana basin Central India, on maceration yielded a very rich microflora consisting of cuticles, tracheids and spores. Single spore mounts of about 375 microspores and 35 megaspores were prepared. These were placed into 66 species under 19 genera. In the first instance the system of classification proposed by Schopf, Wilson and Bentall was followed but later on it was felt that till the accumulation of sufficient data it would be better to arrange the dispersed spores according to their morphographic characters in a purely artificial system. Hence in the present paper many ill-defined spores have been left out, and the remaining 102 dispersed spores have been arranged according to the system proposed by Potonie and Kremp (1954) and Potonie (1958, 1960) into 35 genera and 47 species.

The shales are crowded with the leaf impressions of Noeggerathiopsis hislopi, and several species of Glossopteris, which come next in frequency to Noeggerathiopsis hislopi. Impressions of Gangamopteris cyclopteroides, Phyllotheca and Samaropsis are also met with.

Microspores of the genera Plicatipollenites, Parasaccites, Florinites, Illinites, Potonieisporites and Cuneatisporites are in abundance. But I feel that the correlation of megafossils, which are generally arranged in a natural system, with the microfossils arranged in a purely artificial system does not seem to be quite justified, and hence no attempt has been made.


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How to Cite

Saksena, S. (1969). On fossil flora of Ganjra nalla beds: Part II - Microflora (A) dispersed spores and pollen grains. Journal of Palaeosciences, 18(1-3), 237–257. https://doi.org/10.54991/jop.1969.842



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