Observation on some Palynological contributions to Indian Stratigraphy


  • B.S. Venkatachala Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India




Important palynological contributions to Indian stratigraphy during the last two decades are reviewed.

The Vindhyan sediments as well as sediments met with in the sub-surface of Ganga valley are assigned a Pre-Tremadocian age.

The Talchir, Karhrbari, Barakar and Barren measure and Raniganj sediments are distinguishable on palynofloras. A distinct floral break is observed at the Panchet Series which is here considered as an evidence of Middle Gondwanas. The Upper Gondwana palynofloras are well studied and can be differentiated from the Middle and Lower Gondwana palynofloras. Two distinct assemblages in the Upper Gondwanas are recognised besides a distinct Albian-assemblage known from the Dalmiapuram formation in the Cauvery basin.

Reworked Permian pollen encountered in Mesozoic sediments of Kutch, Cauvery and Godavari basins and Tertiary sediments of Assam and lignites of Cannanore are of significance in palaeogeographical considerations.

Lower Krol sediments from Nainital are assigned a Lower Triassic age.

On the basis of palynofloras the Supratrappean beds at Matanumadh, Kutch, and the Cherra formation, Assam, are assigned a Palaeocene age. Tertiary sediments of Himalayan foot hills are classified according to palynoflora.


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How to Cite

Venkatachala, B. (1970). Observation on some Palynological contributions to Indian Stratigraphy. Journal of Palaeosciences, 19(1-3), 284–296. https://doi.org/10.54991/jop.1970.879



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