Dictyopterridium sporiferum Feistmantel - Female cone from the lower gondwana of India
Dictyopteridium sporiferum Feistmantel is a stalked, linear lanceolate cone, studded with small oval seeds. The seeds are attached all-round the cone axis on cushions. The seeds fell off leaving the marks of cushions on the cone and most of the fossil specimens are found in this condition. This cone was perhaps borne by one of the Glossopteridean plant.
Feistmantel O 1880-1881. The fossil flora of the Gondwana System (Lower Gondwana). 2. The flora of Damuda-Panchet Divisions. Palaeont. indica. Ser. XII, 3 (2): 1-149.
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Maheshwari HK 1965. Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India. 23. On two fructifications from the Raniganj stage of the Raniganj Coalfield, Bengal. The Palaeobotanist 13 (2): 144-147.
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Saksena SD 1962. On some fossil plants from Karkati, Khamtadand and Parsora in the South Rewah Gondwana basin, Central India. The Palaeobotanist 10: 91-96.
Plumstead EP 1970. Recent progress and the future of Palaeobotanical correlation in Gondwanaland. Second. Gond. Symp. S. Africa: 139-144.
Walkom AB 1922. Palaeozoic floras of Queensland. Part I. The flora of the Lower and Upper Bowen series. Qd. Geol. Surv. Publ. No. 270: 1-45.
White ME 1962. Reproductive structures of Glossopteris angustifolia Bgt. Nature, 193: 192-193.
White ME 1963. Reproductive structures in Australian Upper Permian Glossopteridae. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 88, Pt. 3: 392-396.
Zeiller R 1902. Observations sur quelques plantes fossiles des Lower Gondwana. Palaeont. indica n.s. 2 (1): 1-40.
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