Review of fossil palm remains from India


  • A.R. Rao Professor of Botany (Retd), Lucknow University
  • V. Achuthan Post Graduate Professor of Botany, Parashakthi College for Women, COURTALLAM Tinnevelly Dist., Tamil Nadu



A number of palm remains in the Deccan Intertrappean beds (Eocene) in the form of impressions of petrifactions have been described from time to time. Several others have also been described from various parts of India. All this data on fossils and their important diagnostic characters on which the various species are based have been included in this review in the form of four tables. An historical account of the work on Indian fossil palm and the various fossil palm features are discussed. An exhaustive bibliography of the relevant literature on the subject is also included. It is hoped that the review will be of great use to future students of extinct palms in Indian tertiary deposits.


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How to Cite

Rao, A., & Achuthan, V. (1971). Review of fossil palm remains from India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 20(1-3), 190–202.



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