Moscvostrobus - a new genus of Carboniferous lycopods from the Moscow Region (Russia)


  • Serge V. Naugolnykh Laboratory of Paleofloristics. Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky per 7. Moscow 109017, Russia
  • Olga A. Orlova Department of Paleontology, Geological Faculty, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119992, Russia



Carboniferous, Russian Platform, Lycophytes, Heterosporic plant


A new taxon of heterosporous lycopsid strobilus, Moscvostrobus mirabile gen. et sp. nov. is described from a clay shale of the Serpukhovian (Namurian, Lower Carboniferous) deposits in the Zaborie quarry, located near the town of Serpukhov, Moscow Region, Russia. The strobilus is preserved in natural connection to the leafy branch, attached to a shoot. The outer surface of the shoot has a thin longitudinal ribbing. Small subtriangular leaves are helically arranged on the shoot. The strobilus has a spherical shape, which is unusual for Carboniferous lycopods. The apex is round and base is wedge-shaped. Three lanceolate sporophylls with acuminate, flexuous tips are clearly seen in the upper part of the strobilus. The edges of the sporophylls are serrate in their upper part. Mega- and microsporangia are irregularly arranged. The microspores are of Lycospora-type. Megaspores are gulate. Moscvostrobus mirabile could be compared to strobili of the Lepidocarpaceae, but exact systematic position of the genus is still problematic.


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How to Cite

Naugolnykh, S. V., & Orlova, O. A. (2006). Moscvostrobus - a new genus of Carboniferous lycopods from the Moscow Region (Russia). Journal of Palaeosciences, 55((1-3), 1–14.



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