Notes on some upper gondwana plants from the athgarh sandstones, Cuttack district, Orissa


  • B.P. Patra Department of Geology, Utkal University, Cuttack, Orissa



Some interesting plant impressions are described out of the collections made by the author since 1967 from some new localities and excepting a few, rest of the forms are going to be reported for the first time from the Athgarh sandstones (Jurassic, Rajmahal stage) of Cuttack district, Orissa. These include some filicales like Gleichenia, Sphenopteris, Coniopteris, Onychiopsis and Cladophlebis; Cycadophyta like Nilssonia, Taeniopteris and Ptilophyllum and Coniferales like Araucarites. The plant remains being very much fragmentary and preserved obscurely their specific identification is either difficult or doubtful in some cases.


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How to Cite

Patra, B. (1971). Notes on some upper gondwana plants from the athgarh sandstones, Cuttack district, Orissa. Journal of Palaeosciences, 20(1-3), 325–333.



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