Fossil woods from the Lower Siwalik beds of Himachal Pradesh, India
Fossil woods resembling those of Dipterocarpus, Albizzia, Cassia, Cynometra, Millettia and a species of Dryoxylon are described in the present paper from the Lower Siwalik beds of Khokhra near Nalagarh in Himachal Pradesh. These are Dipterocarpoxylon sivalicus sp. nov., D. nalagarhense sp. nov., D. premacrocarpum sp. nov., Albizzinium eolebbekianum gen. et sp. nov., Cassinium prefistulai gen. et sp. nov., Cynometroxylon indicum Chowdhury & Ghosh, Miliettioxylon pongamiensis sp. nov., and Dryoxylon nahanai sp. nov. Present distribution of the modern comparable forms of the fossil species indicates a more humid climate in this region during the Lower Siwalik period. Dipterocarpus which was once so profuse in this region, now grows in north-eastern and southern parts of India. This is because of a drier climate that has prevailed in this region since the Pliocene.
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