Floristics of the Permian and Triassic Gondwanas of India
A synthesis of the floristics through the Upper Palaeozoic and Lower Mesozoic Gondwanas of India is presented. Definite lycopsids are known only from Middle Permian but could have been present in other ages as well. The solitary sphenophyll species ranges from Middle Permian to basal Triassic. Equisetales are known by vegetative shoots only, but a change in form through the time is noticed. Fertile filicinean remains known are mostly referable to the family Asterothecaceae of the Marattiales. The most important element of the period, i.e. Glossopteris-complex represents at least two orders, viz., Ottokariales and Lidgettoniales, as is evident from the fertile organs. This complex continues into the basal Triassic and is gradually replaced by Mosozoic 'Pteridosperm' families Corystospermaceae and Peltaspermaceae. Cordaitalean type of leaves are more common in the Lower Permian; their affinity, however, is uncertain. Cycadales, Ginkgoales and Coniferales though present are meagrely represented.
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