Studies in the Glossopteris flora of India - 42. Barakar plant megafossils and miospores from Auranga coalfield, Bihar
The paper deals with the morphological details of eleven species of Glossopteris, viz., G. indica, G. barakarensis, G. leptoneura, G. juchsii, G. conspicua, G. sp. cf G. ampla, G. pandurata, G. sp. cf G. intermittens, G. churiensis sp. nov., G. communis, G. browniana and Vertebraria indica.
The mioflora (31 genera and 53 species) is dominated by striate disaccate pollen grains and trilete spores. A new non striate disaccate genus Aurangapollenites is instituted for the grains having pitcher shaped saccus arrangement.
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