Palynological studies in the Lower Karroo of Rhodesia and the republic of South Africa
Twenty-four samples from Lower Karroo deposits in Rhodesia, Malawi, Mocambique and the Republic of South Africa, ranging in age from Middle Ecca to Lower Beaufort (Lower to Upper Permian) were macerated for palynological investigation. Seven samples yielded identifiable miospores and these are systematically described. They include 76 species comprising 45 spore-pollen genera, 13 belonging to triletes, 3 to monoletes, 2 to aletes, 10 to monosaccates, 5 to nonstriate bisaccates, 10 to striate-bisaccates and 1 each to polyplicates and monocolpates. Two new genera, viz., Surangeaspora and Sahialetes, and 12 new species are established (Leiotriletes giganticus, Lophotriletes robustus, Leschikisporis verrucosus, Surangeaspora coniata, S. densa, Zonareticulatisporis reticulata, Laevigatosporites longus, Sahialetes cephalus, S. minutus, Platysaccus monosaccoidus, Cuneatisporites juxtasaccus and Strotersporites longus). All 7 assemblages are dominated by bisaccates; pteridophytic spores represented by triletes and monoletes rank second. Monosaccates are ill-represented in all but one sample and aletes, polyplicates and monocolpates are rarely encountered. The palynological assemblages of the 7 samples are compared with other Gondwana assemblages from Africa and India.
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