Fossil Dictyledonous woods from the Tertiary of Thailand


  • U. Prakash Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



Fossil dicotwoods, Xylotomy, Upper Tertiary (Thailand)


Fossil woods of Pahudioxylon sahnii Ghosh & Kazmi, Cynometroxylon parainae-quifolium sp. nov., Millettioxylon indicum Awasthi, Anogeissoxylon thailandicum sp. nov., and Dryoxylon siamensis sp. novo are described here from the north-east region of Thailand. Although their exact age could not be known, it is most likely that they might belong to Upper Tertiary.


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How to Cite

Prakash, U. (1977). Fossil Dictyledonous woods from the Tertiary of Thailand. Journal of Palaeosciences, 26((1-3), 50–62.



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