Some plant remains from Pathargama, Rajmahal Hills, Bihar
Thinnfeldia, Ginkgo, Rajmahal Formation, Upper Gondwana (India)Abstract
Plant remains from a hitherto unknown locality in the Rajmahal Hills form the subject matter of this paper. The new locality lies at the base of a hill cutting near Pathargama Village. The bed is dominated by Thinnfeldia indica Feistmantel. An emended diagnosis of this species has been given. The associated ginkgoalean leaves have been described as Ginkgo rajmahalensis (Sah & Jain) comb. nov. To these leaves some Ginkgo-like seeds have been attributed. The seeds are much smaller in size than the extant Ginkgo seeds, but their mode of attachment is similar. Besides these, Araucarites sp. and Strobilites sp. have also been recorded.
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