Some more dicotyledonous woods from the Tertiary of Deomali, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Fossil dicot woods, Xylotomy, Namsang beds, Tertiary, IndiaAbstract
Nine species belonging to six dicotyledonous families have been described here from an assemblage of petrified woods collected from the Mio-Pliocene of Namsang beds near Deomali. They are Sterculioxylon varmahii sp. nov., Heritieroxylon arunachalensis gen. et sp. nov. of Sterculiaceae; Burseroxylon garugoides sp. nov. of Burseraceae; Mangiferoxylon assamicum Prakash & Tripathi of Anacardiaceae; Albizinium eolebbekianum Prakash and Millettioxylon palaeopulchra sp. nov. of Leguminosae; Lagerstroemioxylon deomaliensis sp. nov. of Lythraceae; and Laurinoxylon namsangensis sp. nov. and L. deomafiensis sp. nov. of Lauraceae. Modern comparable forms of these fossils still occur in and around the tropical evergreen to deciduous forests of Arunachal Pradesh, indicating the continuation of somewhat similar kind of vegetation and climatic conditions in this region from the Neogene to the present day.
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