Pachypteris Haburensis n.sp. and other plant fossils from the Pariwar Formation
Pachypteris, Megafossils, Pariwar Formation, ?Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous (India)Abstract
Fossil plant remains collected from the Pariwar Formation, exposed about 1 km east of Habur Village, are described here. The floral assemblage at Habur is dominated by a new species of Pachypteris (P. haburensis). Besides, the assemblage comprises a fertile species of Gleichenia, Pachypteris sp., Taeniopteris spatulata McClelland, Ginkgo sp., Elatocladus tenerrima (Feistmantel) Sahni, Pagiophyllum spp., Araucarites sp. cf. A. cutchensis Feistmantel, Coniferocaulon rajmahalense Gupta and a ‘flower-like organ.