Studies in the glossopteris flora of India- Gondwanophyton gen. nov. with revision of allied plant fossil from the lower gondwana of India


  • P.K. Maithy Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



Gondwanophyton a new plant fossil from the Barakar Formation of the Raniganj coalfield is recorded. The fossil is characterized by a fan-shaped leaf with a wide rounded entire apex and a sessile truncate base with parallel running dichotomus veins without any interconnections. Leaves are at times found attached to a narrow axis. The cuticle is differentiated into stomatiferous and non-stomatiferous surfaces. Stomatiferous surface has distinct bands of stomatal and non-stomatal zones. In the stomatal zone, the stomata are arranged in a single discontinuous row. In addition to this, the systematics of allied fronds (Psygmophyllum and Rhipidopsis) previously recorded from the Lower Gondwana of India are discussed.


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How to Cite

Maithy, P. (1972). Studies in the glossopteris flora of India- Gondwanophyton gen. nov. with revision of allied plant fossil from the lower gondwana of India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 21((1-3), 298–304.



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