Occurrence of Australian element in the Deccan Intertrappean flora of India
Xylotomy, Eucalyptus, Tristania, Callistemon, Melaleuca, Myrtaceae, Infructescene, Deccan Intertrappean beds (India)Abstract
Three new fossil woods, viz., Eucalyptus dharmendrae sp. nov., Tristania confertoides sp. nov. and Callistemonoxylon deccanensis gen et sp. nov. resembling the modern Myrtaceous taxa Eucalyptus, Tristania conferta and Callistemon Melaleuca respectively and an infructescence Callistemonites indicus, also resembling Callistemon-Melaleuca, have been described from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh. As all these genera are Australian, their presence in the Deccan Intertrappean flora is phytogeographically important.