Metaphyte and metazoan remains from the Indian Proterozoic successions
Morphology, Macrobiota, Metaphyte-metazoan remains, Proterozoic (India)Abstract
Evidences for the metaphyte and metazoan remains from the Indian Proterozoic are discussed. Two distinct macroscopic biota assemblages are described. The older macroscopic biota is from Middle Proterozoic and consists of planktonic and benthic metaphytes belonging to Chuarid, Tawuid, Krishnanid, Vendotaenid, and Frondoid forms. Uptill now distinct metazoan evidence from Middle Proterozoic (800 - 1,000 Ma) was doubtful. The previous records of jelly fishes are debated and considered here to be the encystment structures. The younger macrobiota, the Ediacaran fauna, are being reported for the first time from the youngest bed of the Vindhyan sequence. The remains of coelenterates and annelids are morphologically alike to the Lower Palaeozoic forms. The records of macroscopic biota indicate that morphological diversification started right from the Middle Proterozoic time.